María Fulfills Her Dream of Walking with Her Daughter Hanna

María Rodríguez arrived at CAMO with the hope of changing her life.

At 40 years old and hailing from a community five hours away from our headquarters, she received assistance through her municipality to access CAMO’s prosthetics and orthotics program.

María was born with a congenital malformation that affects her ability to live a normal life and makes walking difficult: she was born without feet.

Thanks to the support and resources provided by her community and CAMO, she had the opportunity to fulfill one of her dreams.

In about a month, María received her prosthetics, and with them, the chance to make her dream come true returned to her life: to walk hand-in-hand with her two-year-old daughter Hanna.

“I feel very happy and content, I longed for this day to come when I could walk normally,” said María Rodríguez.

María made a promise to the Virgin Mary, after whom she is named: “I went to see the image of the Virgin in Tegucigalpa on my knees, and asked God to grant me the miracle of returning to fulfill my promise, this time on my feet, with my prosthetics.”

Previously, she had used prosthetics, but after giving birth to Hanna, her body changed, and she could no longer use them. Since then, she has managed to walk on her knees, using sandals adapted to her legs.

“My dream is to be able to go out for a walk with my daughter hand-in-hand and walk normally, without having to walk on my knees,” María expressed with nostalgia and hope. 

Now, with her new prosthetics, she walks towards a better future, full of mobility and new opportunities.

Accompanied by her husband and daughter, and with a broad smile on her face, María thanked God, CAMO, and her community for the opportunity to walk normally again.

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