Newsletter Winter 2023

Every day is an adventure with CAMO. Saturday, October 14th an international team of professionals arrived in Santa Rosa de Copan after 18 hours travel from the USA.
Sunday was going to be a day of rest, to orient the new people to the staff, warehouse and programs.
It was a well-laid plan; everything was going accordingly. After our group breakfast, I left before the team to see if all the logistics were in place for the day. Upon entering the
office, staff surrounded me with news of a bus crash over a bridge and into a river. The bus was transporting 70 immigrants from Venezuela, Ecuador, Columbia, and Cuba.
Four people were dead, some were missing and it was unknown how many were injured and with what type of injury. I asked staff “Who is responding?” They replied, “No
one yet. The fire department is very limited. We need CAMO’s help.” We had the perfect talents in front of us: Dr. Rosalia Mahr, an Emergency Physician with fellowships in
adult, pediatric and emergency ultrasound; two intensive care nurses; Monica Coventry and Megan Frank and a respiratory therapist, Jackie Williams. We transported these
specialists along with our subdirector of CAMO USA and our first responder trainers to the site. The team packed supplies and equipment and set off to evaluate and assist
in the care of the crash victims.  more

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