CAMO Transforms Education and Health in Western Honduras

In Western Honduras, CAMO is spearheading a project that seamlessly blends education and health in 16 rural schools. 

CAMO leads this initiative by implementing evaluation brigades that address children’s needs in critical areas like hearing, dentistry, nutrition, and ophthalmology.

José Bautista, CAMO’s executive director, explained the essence of these brigades in the Literacy Program, “We aim to identify school-aged children with health issues that might affect their educational journey.”

This preventive approach not only aims to improve children’s health but also to maximize their educational potential. With over 1,500 children in 16 rural schools benefiting from the Literacy Program, CAMO is making a difference.

Bautista emphasized, “We are looking to incorporate more schools, but our goal isn’t just to expand the project’s scope but to set an example that health and education can work hand in hand.”

Jorge López, the Director in one of the schools, highlighted how new students receive comprehensive evaluations thanks to CAMO and how these free services benefit not only the students but also their families.

“This project helps children whose families, due to economic circumstances, can’t address these issues,” López stressed.

The collaboration between CAMO, municipalities and local businesses, has extended the reach of these services, ensuring humanitarian development in communities that face economic challenges.

CAMO’s commitment goes beyond providing health and education services; we are staying true to our mission of enhancing people’s quality of life through strengthening the healthcare system and promoting sustainable development.

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