A Step Towards Hope: Katherine’s Story

Katherine, a brave 11-year-old girl has faced challenges since the day she was born.

She is from a small rural town 10 hours away from our headquarters in Honduras. She was born with meningocele, a congenital anomaly of the central nervous system that has significantly shaped her life. Last November, she underwent partial amputation of her left foot due to a bacterial infection.

With the support of CAMO in partnership with the FAKS Foundation, Katherine and her mother decided to travel over 480 kilometers to receive assistance from our Prosthetics and Orthotics Program.

Katherine and her mother arrived at our facilities hoping to find a solution to improve the girl’s quality of life and mobility. In just two days, thanks to the combined efforts of both foundations, we provided an answer for Katherine.

We provided her with an AFO-type orthosis that will allow her to walk with more security and comfort, giving her a new perspective of freedom and autonomy.

Her mother expressed her deep gratitude to CAMO and FAKS Foundation for joining forces for the benefit of her daughter.

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